U.... ARE..... NOT...... A.......... DORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ur AWESOME!!!!!!! WHOOOOOO!!!!!!! SUGAR RUSH!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! OR SHOULD I SAY ART RUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow. It's been months since i painted something here at Queeky. i think i was feeling a bit intimidated. I've learned a little more about digital painting since then. Yay! I figured out the usefulness of layers!! LoL,
I was just yesterday thinking i should give this another go. Then this morning I got a message from Queeky, first one in maybe a year! How strange is that! So I'll take it as a sign....2funny!.....
I'm going to try to put some time aside today to at least start one. No decision on a subject yet. It's so tempting to look around at what everyone else has been creating, but i think i'll wait. i don't want to get all discouraged right out of the gate. Such wonderful artists here, and I'm still a dork heeheehee
Life is so expensive!..but it does come with free trips around the sun!
waiting on Amazon to send me a digital pen. can hardly wait. it's way to difficult drawing with the mouse. I end up getting sick of my painting before I'm finished.
Life is so expensive!..but it does come with free trips around the sun!
U.... ARE..... NOT...... A.......... DORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ur AWESOME!!!!!!! WHOOOOOO!!!!!!! SUGAR RUSH!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! OR SHOULD I SAY ART RUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you miss me?
Wow. It's been months since i
Wow. It's been months since i painted something here at Queeky. i think i was feeling a bit intimidated. I've learned a little more about digital painting since then. Yay! I figured out the usefulness of layers!! LoL,
I was just yesterday thinking i should give this another go. Then this morning I got a message from Queeky, first one in maybe a year! How strange is that! So I'll take it as a sign....2funny!.....
I'm going to try to put some time aside today to at least start one. No decision on a subject yet. It's so tempting to look around at what everyone else has been creating, but i think i'll wait. i don't want to get all discouraged right out of the gate. Such wonderful artists here, and I'm still a dork heeheehee
Life is so expensive!..but it does come with free trips around the sun!
Welcome to queeky.
Your drawings are beautiful!
waiting on Amazon to send me
waiting on Amazon to send me a digital pen. can hardly wait. it's way to difficult drawing with the mouse. I end up getting sick of my painting before I'm finished.
Life is so expensive!..but it does come with free trips around the sun!
Life is so expensive!..but it does come with free trips around the sun!
Welcome to Queeky!
I see that you just joined Queeky, I wanted to be the first to welcome you to the site. Have fun here and I hope to see some of your artwork soon.
“Always remember, you’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think” ~Winnie The Pooh