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My name is Hakan, I live in İstanbul/Türkiye. I'm science teacher. I love art. I love photorealism, but I love others too. I drawing charcoal and colored pencil drawings in real life. Thanks for comments and votes :)
My name is Hakan, I live in İstanbul/Türkiye. I'm science teacher. I love art. I love photorealism, but I love others too. I drawing charcoal and colored pencil drawings in real life. Thanks for comments and votes :)
büyük kedileri seviyorum
kedi ailesi
genellikle aslan
Thank you for the vote,
Thank you for the vote, Hakan!

Your gallery is awesome!
Wonderful gallery, Hakan
I especially love Wolverine and the lion and Cold. The rest are great too!!

hi Hakan
Let me just say your gallery is amazing sauce...a good thing too...i really like the details you use in your drawings and the quality of standard ...i also wanted to say hi...and possibly add you a s a friend
Sorry, I've lost an N, sorry!
Sorry, I've lost an N, sorry!
Hi, good Evening, Haka, I'm
Hi, good Evening, Haka, I'm glad to see you online,have you brought a big cat with you?????
Hakan Hakan!!!!!!!!