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Status: Anime guru... YOU CANT BEAT ME!
Recent agenda (8/31/10):
~get a tablet so i can blast a hole in this site and become top artist!
~live through highschool ;;
~not have a suckish relationship
~run run RUN
~..... *hamster dance* >w>
i love how you draw!!
HoNk! HoNk! Hi!
You don't draw with a mouse....lucky! I have to use a mouse! I gonna ask my parents to get a.....whatever you have! O~O -My way of putting "I am jealous"
Where is Sapien's lair anyway? Or is it a joke?
'Today was yesterday's tomorrow, a day you once you looked forward to, so leave no regrets, and keep moving foward, and let the only reason you turn around be to say goodbye.'
I love your work :reply
actually I have a HP tablet laptop so no; I just use my pen and my screen n_n god I would be an art goddess if I could draw like that with a mouse >_>
"When I work, I work very fast, but preparing to work can take any length of time."
~Alice Neel
i love your work its very
i love your work its very nice, do u use the mouse to draw it?