Hi rubby thanks for commenting on my picture! Very nice of you to say it has great power! Im glad that someone got that feeling! Hopefully I can go around and comment a lot more on peoples works. Just got work in the morning Thanks again!
"This is the one life we know we have. I can't be complacent about the world I live in. It's important to me to use art in a manner that incites people to look and then carry something home - even if it's subliminal - that might make a change in them.
thanks for the add!!
have a nice day!
"True art endures the ages... beauty everlasting" - Sasori
Hello rubby!
Thanks so much for your friend request, keep on drawing!
Hi rubby
Hi rubby thanks for commenting on my picture! Very nice of you to say it has great power! Im glad that someone got that feeling! Hopefully I can go around and comment a lot more on peoples works. Just got work in the morning Thanks again!
"This is the one life we know we have. I can't be complacent about the world I live in. It's important to me to use art in a manner that incites people to look and then carry something home - even if it's subliminal - that might make a change in them.