Hi! I'm Nina and I love to draw ^^ And, I am a tablet user. I'm 13 and I come from North Carolina :)
What I'm best at: I'd have to say Anime/Manga I suck at everything else x)
What music I like: Everything. Rap, Rock, Heavy Metal, Screamo, Techno ;D
Hobbies?: Meeting new people ^^ and hanging out with friends, playing guitar, drawing [Duh.], playing tennis, dancing, singing, making videos, watching anime, making people laugh... :P Watching the rain, sunset, sunrise, and rainbows if I'm lucky enough to catch one. I also use most of my spare time helping people with relationship peoblems. Or any problems really...I love all animals. In my recent past I have had 3 cats and now that they are gone, we now have 3. One was a stray :o and we also have one very old dog.