Why are u here... And thanks for showing up to this page

Oh Hey their I'm Bendy...
And I come to thought why you on this
page and out of all people u come to this
page..? You must be really kind to come
here.. Thanks for coming and now I'll tell
you a little bit about myself. I'm Bendy,
and my age is:Nun of ur concern, Some
of my favorite hobbies: Gaming, Rping,
and dancing my favorite places is dark
and quiet places.. Favorite songs &
memes: Willow Tree, Don't touch the
child, beautiful lies,and why love me <---
favorite memes (Closer to you -sans
version- , Masterpiece, Afton Family,
Purple, Our Little Horror Story, Horror
Show, Let me down slowly, for the love
of a daughter, GlitchTrap, and In your
eyes now -Elizabeth song- /My favorite
game: Pony Town I like comedy as well..!
That's all about me that I'll share with u..
And thanks again for coming over to my
page I can't wait to talk to you soon!.. If
you wanna talk here is my discord..:
Bendy The Dancing Devil#5420

Why are u here... And thanks for showing up to this page
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Artist who joined Queeky on Friday, 17. April 2020

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For those who came to this

For those who came to this page u now know some things about me I would hope to talk to ya soon we'll bye....!

idk- ;-;