lollypop102002's journal


" what a beautiful night" she sighed . " If only I had friends" . She said as she looked at her feet.

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Haters be like

Haters be like .....

So what your immortal

Stormys like .....

Biatch!!!!!!! Please I was here when you were born, I will be here when you die. I will be here when da apocalipse comes . And I STILL BE WALKING DIS EARTH MOTHA FACKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Do you know what its like to be abused ? Well I do. People insult, criticize , give me shit all day, and worst they insult my family. The feeling of being abused is horrible, agonizing , and painstaking .

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My Crappy Life

No one gets me. I am my own person , but no one will let me be me. Its be this be that. But i say ENOUGH!!!!! Hell yes I listen to rock. Got a problem with it , well suck it cause I don't care anymore. I have been mistreated, walked on , used, fooled, deceived , and mentally abused. So leave me alone I don't care who you are or where you have been. Cause that gives you no right what so ever to judge me.

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Thinking of You

You crushed my heart so many times. I cried and got over it. You hurt me so many times. But i dusted my self off and got up again. I don't know how many times you did crush my heart and hurt me but I still loved you and I still do and I wish you felt the same about me but you don't.Caleb I loved you and I still do. But I hope you know what you did and I hope it haunts you for the rest of your life.

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