
2014 july

Your rating: None (17 votes)


VicMin's picture

Reminds me of Gorillaz, Great job on the hands, I like his knuckles. As usual,you have an awesome style Big smile

pppman's picture
I like the characters in Gorillaz

Glad to know you like this style. Thanks! Big smile

Drawing is about studying yourself and your target.

ploiesteana's picture
Just perfect!

Just perfect!

pppman's picture

Nice to hear from you again. Beer

Drawing is about studying yourself and your target.

Cun's picture
...........solo pasando por

...........solo pasando por aqui Big smile ...............al diablo lo escribire en español Crazy , aunque quiza ni lo entiendas Tongue Five stars porque aun pienso que eres genial TnT

feliz a quien la muerte ciñe las cienes con sangrientos lauros en medio del esplandor de la victoria...

pppman's picture

Gracias por su comentario, mi amigo. Mucho tiempo sabe ver!

Las esperanzas de que todo va bien con usted.

Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer

Drawing is about studying yourself and your target.

guyverunit's picture
gigantic texture

face reflections and lines are bombe;)(means good)

:)Create!!!!!!!! Greetings to the Elite. Smile

pppman's picture

Wait to see more of your bombe drawings! Beer

Drawing is about studying yourself and your target.

admin's picture

don't shoot me, some updates will come soon Big smile

Queeky admin

pppman's picture

Updatesssss Hat ... I'll aim at that. Wink

Drawing is about studying yourself and your target.