

“complementary colors”
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Asrielgodofhyperdeath's picture
I love it

I love it

jklurfeld1112's picture

The use of color contrast is beautiful, and the way you made them blend is completely professional. The is literally no improving this...its perfect.

kutedymples's picture
Where are you?

You and your drawings are greatly missed here at Queeky, I am sending best Holiday wishes as well. Come back and draw some more. Smile

ploiesteana's picture
Beautifully done!

Beautifully done!

viridian's picture
Fantastic !

This may be my favorite of yours so far. Great movement, composition and color. Perfect!

"Inspiration is highly overated, if you sit around and wait for the clouds to part, it's not liable to ever happen. More often than not, work is salvation" Chuck Close

mudpuddle's picture
looks like the goldfish is

looks like the goldfish is trying to escape!

Just do your best.

mimirotuka's picture
amazing coors <3

amazing coors <3

Once again returned to this site, I keep returning!