by ezd

African girl

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sugarstar's picture
you did an amazing job

Love you did an amazing job

Two stars Three stars


mannamanna's picture
I love

the earthy and organic look of this..awesome composition! Smile Cool

Do everything with LOVE...

ezd's picture
Thank you,

mannamanna!!! Smile

MysticalUnicornFart's picture
Oh, look a fantastic drawing

Oh, look a fantastic drawing from you-WHAT'S NEW?!

ezd's picture
Thank you!

Thank you MysticalUnicornFart!! Btw, your gallery is very cool!!! Smile

Liliane's picture
ganz große Klasse---Wow !!!

ganz große Klasse---Wow !!! Love Love

ezd's picture
Thank you!

Thank you Liliane! Smile

ploiesteana's picture
She is beautiful , she is

She is beautiful , she is proud! And you can be very proud of this wonderful work, it's amazing how you've used the shadows to obtain life and depth! BRAVO!

ezd's picture
Thank you ploiesteana!

Thank you so much for your words, coming from you they mean a lot to me! Smile

viridian's picture
Great !

Excellent work !

"Inspiration is highly overated, if you sit around and wait for the clouds to part, it's not liable to ever happen. More often than not, work is salvation" Chuck Close