As always you put out beautiful and quality paintings. I have missed your artwork as I have not had the time to spend here at Queeky in a long time. I miss you and your work Damian! Great job!
"Inspiration is highly overated, if you sit around and wait for the clouds to part, it's not liable to ever happen. More often than not, work is salvation" Chuck Close
You've captured Edy Wallach's expression very, very well, I am totally impressed, your skills in portrait-making are astonishing, SUPER!!!! Your late portraits are very expressive!
Great job!
As always you put out beautiful and quality paintings. I have missed your artwork as I have not had the time to spend here at Queeky in a long time. I miss you and your work Damian! Great job!
“Always remember, you’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think” ~Winnie The Pooh
"Life imitates art far more than art imitates life " O.Wilde
GREAT !!!!
GREAT !!!!
XD AH! genial ya acabaste
XD AH! genial
ya acabaste todos, y todos muy buenos 
feliz a quien la muerte ciñe las cienes con sangrientos lauros en medio del esplandor de la victoria...
Thats Him alright
Excellent work !! Great capture.
"Inspiration is highly overated, if you sit around and wait for the clouds to part, it's not liable to ever happen. More often than not, work is salvation" Chuck Close
You've captured Edy Wallach's
You've captured Edy Wallach's expression very, very well, I am totally impressed, your skills in portrait-making are astonishing, SUPER!!!! Your late portraits are very expressive!