
Bear Lake

“a drawing i made a while back before some of Queekys new functions, did it a lot different than first time. I think it looks better now.”
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Drawing4me's picture
sit back catch a fish...

or a bear... hehe... love it.. looks like it took a long time! great draw

Forgive the picture, but embrace the creation.

kutedymples's picture
Thank you...

it didn't really take all that long because I had a partial drawing saved from way back when I made the first one so I just added to that. Glad you like it and thank you so much for the comments!

rajibc's picture
House and Trees are great ...

Looks like a Scottish village. Great draw!!

kutedymples's picture
Thank you...

I have never seen a Scottish village, but I am glad you like this. I will have to search for one on the internet and see one for myself. Really, thank you for your comment. They mean a lot to me.