by ezd


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selinadie's picture

I missed......... RRRRRRRRRRRR.

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

selinadie's picture

Broke the mirros. Change the sheets. Smell the paint. Give out the sun from your pocket and put a smile upon faces. That's You. A new day has come when........ . You know when.

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Bridget's picture


Have a wonderful day!

valcross's picture
Great work!

Amazing bird, so beautiful!!!

trazomboli's picture

This is a way of painting I cannot do... I admire your security in using that technique! Wonderful colors, balanced between abstract and reality...


ploiesteana's picture
I've missed your wonderful

I've missed your wonderful creation, so I am so glad to watch this beauty! Amazing art, love your style...

kutedymples's picture

what a beauty of a draw. I love this, so well drawn as are all of your pictures. I wish I could use the fill tool like that. You are a master.

jayyaj's picture
same question

i wanna ask the same question like atri. how long do u need for your pictures?!

atri's picture
r u god or wat.....incredible

r u god or wat.....incredible

atri chatterjee

ernieplucknett's picture
Good draw!

I like the way you have used this tool almost give an abstract feel to the draw....big 5!