
Black Beauty

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betty's picture


lookingforst's picture
horses portrait

Nice horse drawing, its hair is wonderful too. Five stars Five stars Smile


ploiesteana's picture
You've captured its force and

You've captured its force and moving, bravo!

INANINA's picture

LOVE THAT BLACK SHINE ON HORSE! AND GREAT RUNING MOTION! Big smile Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars ...

demian09's picture

Beautiful draw Five stars

" I want to know,
have you ever seen the rain??? " - Creedence Clearwater Revival

betty's picture
Thank you for your comments on my drawings

and Dervish it is a portrait of a horse - Stubbs was a horse painter and his work was portraiture to me - oh - well - moot point - XD.

naruto6000's picture
it's so beautiful!!!!

Laughing out loud oh my gosh i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 stars and on my favs TTwTT so detailed and silky and beautiful!!! i want it! haha

for a dreamer, night's the only time of day

dervish's picture

beautiful draw!

but I think the category is wrong, this is obviously an animal drawing, not a portrait drawing Wink

4 stars from me, if you change the category to animals I'll change my vote to 5 stars Big smile


sara890456's picture

It's a portrait of a horse, portraits aren't always of humans Stare

flippo's picture
Beautifully black.

Great draw Laughing out loud