
Boy on a Swing

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drobert486's picture

didnt know this was your work at first,it kinda reached out and grabbed me!! great work!!

Angelcake's picture
Great draw!

Love this. Hi there KuteD... this is such a beautiful draw.

I just joined Queeky today). Still haven't learned my way 'round completely.

dervish's picture


Five stars


Drawing4me's picture
a photo for sure

Kute I have been away but nice to see you have kept your talent flying high! When I saw this I'm like... what? since when can we just upload pics as paintings LOL! Beautiful, colourful, joyful and just all round awesome!

Forgive the picture, but embrace the creation.

ploiesteana's picture
He's really flying, what a

He's really flying, what a good picture, bravo, dear Kute!

guyverunit's picture
this is good

really like this

:)Create!!!!!!!! Greetings to the Elite. Smile

Ahmar's picture
Tablet, or mouse?

Do you use tablet, or a mouse? I have been wondering since these are very precise, and if its mouse, i want to learn how to be extremely precise.

ha55ha's picture

Beautiful. Laughing out loud

marilens's picture
I really

Love this idea and draw..So care free and having fun. colors are great and the perspective is awesome..great job. Smile Five stars

marky's picture
Excellent perspective, And

Excellent perspective, And reality of light. Great work.

consent can be nulified by reason of cohersion or duress!