

Your rating: None (15 votes)


demian09's picture
Te confieso que este dibujo tuyo lo vi muchas veces...

... me sirvio de inspiracion para sacar muchas tecnicas que uso en mis dibujos!!!

Esta espectacular!! Five stars Five stars

" I want to know,
have you ever seen the rain??? " - Creedence Clearwater Revival

rajibc's picture
Master piece

Brilliant work

guyverunit's picture
....great work..... nice

....great work..... nice water and shades in green

:)Create!!!!!!!! Greetings to the Elite. Smile

spring's picture

Beautiful waterfall, lovely work. 5 stars

ploiesteana's picture
Una cascada meravillosa! Very

Una cascada meravillosa! Very good done- a hard job!

kay14's picture

glowy & beautiful, it reminds me of the hike i went on awhile ago, great draw =]

♥Never look down on anybody unless your helping them up♥

pppman's picture

lines! Laughing out loud

Drawing is about studying yourself and your target.

kutedymples's picture

This is really beautiful...I know this must have been very hard to do. I have tried one similar and gave up on mine.