

“Wild and free”
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pencildream's picture

wow wow wow!!!!!

lemonadefreak's picture

Wow! That's amazing! I'm just starting on queeky and I need tips on the tools and what they do. If you have any advice, I'm very grateful. Thanks!

Oh and just btw, your awesome!

I'm not crazy... The voices in my head told me I wasn't. -My Mom.
Alloha! From the people in New York. -ME!
If Nobodys perfict, I must be Nobody.

MysticalUnicornFart's picture
Great draw. Looks like it's

Great draw. Looks like it's really in motion.

sonia55's picture
Thank you all for your lovely

Thank you all for your lovely comments ! Smile


isandeep's picture
one of the master work

one of the master work

mannamanna's picture

how you rendered it like an oil painting from the 19th century Masters... Big smile Five stars Five stars Five stars

Do everything with LOVE...

viridian's picture
Really nice!

Nice colors and movement.

"Inspiration is highly overated, if you sit around and wait for the clouds to part, it's not liable to ever happen. More often than not, work is salvation" Chuck Close

ploiesteana's picture
You've captured the moving,

You've captured the moving, the dramatic. good job!

tigz98's picture
thats really good man i wiash

Laughing out loud thats really good man i wiash i had that skill