

“EXAMPLE not entered: Dandelion by Antje Duvekot includes the lyrics ... "I am a dandelion, I am forever wild /// I am the Fourth of July / I'm throwing you a fire in the sky / You could go blind in my light / But you were looking for an orchid / And I will always be a dandelion" I like that it compares exotic with the everyday ... and basically I am one of life's dandelions, I am not precious and in need of hothousing and every so often I go a little wild LOL. This picture is a literal interpretation form the words of the song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKnTpRvdQJI
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INANINA's picture

ANOTHER VARIATION, DANDERLION SO CUTE! Big smile Five stars , Five stars , Five stars ..

BlueRain's picture
Great draw! but i cant draw

Great draw! but i cant draw that well at all, so i am sticking to drawing warrior cat requests.

"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until becomes a memory." - Dr. Seuss

pppman's picture

Five stars

Drawing is about studying yourself and your target.

wungu's picture
Thank you everyone for your lovely comments

I guess a dandelion clock is that airy fairy image most people think about painting and then don't ... I am glad I challenged myself to do it and I enjoyed creating these very different flowers. Oh and Selinadie ... this was my picture where the airbrush smoothing suddenly happened for me Laughing out loud just a little bit but I noticed it ... so special thanks to you for mentioning that elsewhere.

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. Edith Wharton

Geeta's picture


selinadie's picture

i like the colors you chose. pretty and sensitive.

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

ha55ha's picture
This drawing looks ...

beautiful and calm with the color. And the dandelion makes this pic has movement. Interesting!

taneman's picture


mimirotuka's picture

i would i can draw like this.<3

Once again returned to this site, I keep returning!