
Dok Khem

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Milodog's picture
This is cool! Very cool...

This is cool! Very cool...

Everything is possible as long as you don’t know it’s impossible
-the phantom tollbooth

viridian's picture
Beautiful !

Missed this....This is great!

"Inspiration is highly overated, if you sit around and wait for the clouds to part, it's not liable to ever happen. More often than not, work is salvation" Chuck Close

ploiesteana's picture
Everything is here beautiful:

Everything is here beautiful: the subject(your son?), the colouring, the art of painting, love it! ( and him)

pppman's picture
Haha, Great work! My friend.

Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer

Drawing is about studying yourself and your target.

CHR's picture
very beautiful ha55ha

very beautiful ha55ha Smile

ha55ha's picture
Thank you very much, CHR

Thank you very much, CHR

betty's picture
ha55ha's picture
Thank you very much, Betty.

Thank you very much, Betty.

ph's picture

Awesome! The skin is looking so real. Love the composition and colors. Hope the berrys are not toxic ... what kind of plant is it? Glasses

ha55ha's picture
Thank you very much, ph.

"ดอกเข็ม" The scientific name of the plant is Ixora. I ate the nectar from the red flowers and I ate the fruits when I was young with nothing harmful....up until now. Big smile