

“I wanted to study hair and water. What better way to do that then this. Haha.”
Your rating: None (44 votes)


MicahAngelo's picture
I used my mouse.

I used my mouse. Laughing out loud

Mistakinq's picture
Did Yhuu Use a Bamboo Wacom

Did Yhuu Use a Bamboo Wacom Tablet or Yhur Computer???

MicahAngelo's picture
WOW! My mouth dropped when I

WOW! My mouth dropped when I saw this on the top rated! I am soooo excited!

Thank you all so freaken much! AHHHHHHH.

LostArt's picture
You are worth it

Wonderful drawing Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars

Every artist was first an amateur.

viridian's picture
Nice effects


"Inspiration is highly overated, if you sit around and wait for the clouds to part, it's not liable to ever happen. More often than not, work is salvation" Chuck Close

isandeep's picture
awesome work hats af , so

awesome work hats af , so fresh and stunning ..... reminds me of my monsoon days .

ninjanewfie's picture

i wish i was this good Sad lolz


ploiesteana's picture
Fantastic the water, great

Fantastic the water, great work!

zyaksoz's picture



sonia55's picture
You did one of the hardest

You did one of the hardest thing in a drawing: to draw water and drops on a human body(face) . Excellent !
