
eating snow

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Tteddyluver's picture
Next big artist

Oh my gawsh, your painting is like no other! I could never do that in A MILLON YEARS, do you do youtube videos? If you don't you should, you'd probably have like a billion subscribers! Big smile Cash


Hue's picture

snow ,u're great with fur/plumage/coat ,refreshing drawing Beer

purple12's picture

this is so realistic! i thought it was a photo for a second! Awesome pic, love it all! Innocent

everyone in this world is in some way weird, so that makes us all normal. if your normal, that makes you weird. ; )

taiga's picture
this one

is so supergreat and livingly vivid. totally impressed by your art! all the best of luck to you!


Ovi's picture

WAY TO COOL AND WAY TO REALLISTIC, YOU MAKE ME JEALLOS, Shock Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars

Life is a drug....

ha55ha's picture

I can hear the bird sing!

romanticom's picture

Laughing out loud this is a real master piece!

Celestialandstars's picture
I thought

I thought this was just a photo copied and pasted. (If you can do that on Queeky)!

Laughing out loud

'Today was yesterday's tomorrow, a day you once you looked forward to, so leave no regrets, and keep moving foward, and let the only reason you turn around be to say goodbye.'

cutiepie1's picture

this is so cool do u think u could draw it in real life

Azuki's picture
thats amazing

really realistic draw!! Laughing out loud like wow I would mistake it for a photo if i didn't look close enough!
