
For you!

“changed the skin tone a bit, it looked kind of dead before.”
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jamminjesse's picture
This. Is. Amazing.

i love it. the rose, the nails, the hand itself, the colors!!! mmm... this is awesome


hakan's picture

draw, nail is awesome! Smile

raymi100's picture

This is a gorgeous rose! Beautiful details! You did a great job! What color ranges did you use for your rose? How long did it take? I really would like to know because it is so inspiring! I think I may go to draw my very own rose! 5 stars! Your art is always pleasureable. Smile

kutedymples's picture
Thank you

colors ranged from reddish orange deep to orangish yellow deep, and this one took me approximately 3 hours to do. Faster than normal. I didn't have any interruptions on this either. Thank you for the comments on my work, it is always nice to know someone likes it.

raymi100's picture
Your welcome!

Wow! My work usually only takes about 15 minutes to a 45 minutes to make! 3 hours is a long time, but I can tell you worked hard on it! I can hardly tell that you used orange and yellow in your rose because you blended it so well! I usually don't know what colors to use, so I outline my work first, take 5 minutes to work out the colors I want to use, then color it. You used great colors on this! Great job, once again. Smile

kutedymples's picture

Well 3 hours for me is a fast drawing. Look at the bird I just did. I started it this morning and total hours worked on it was like 5. I have done drawings that have taken weeks to do. But I am glad it shows how much time I put in. LOL If not I think I would quit drawing.

raymi100's picture

Yeah, I think my art shows how much work I put into it, too! WOAH!!! You sure do spend a lot of time on your work!

I tried to quit drawing once, it was not easy! Drawing is my talent, well, that and singing. Smile LOL!

kutedymples's picture
Never quit drawing...

if you love something as much as I love art you could never quit drawing. I have been drawing since I can remember. It is almost like breathing.

flippo's picture

Flowers can really make me happy Big smile is it your hand on the picture? and how is the pic of the boat coming?

kutedymples's picture
Thanks flippo

no that is not my hand, I found the picture somewhere on the internet a long time ago and saved it because i loved the color of the rose. I finished to boat, I had it submitted to the gallery and then I looked at it and didn't like the way it was finished so I am going to work on it some more and submit it again after. Thanks for asking and thanks for the nice comment!!