
HBD my baby

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guyverunit's picture
Great smile

Good to see you smile. The flowing beautyness of family love. Its really hearttaking. It reminds me to Naruto and his parents. i remember how good you are in landscaping nature. Maybe its time for your big green landscapes again. By the way i questioned kutedymples for a dbz goku ssj4. Iwould love to see one in your style, too. Pls pls Greetings and happiness

:)Create!!!!!!!! Greetings to the Elite. Smile

ha55ha's picture
Thanks, Guyver.

I love drawing landscape. Maybe if I can find the beautiful landscape. I may have to try. I am not so good in drawing manga, by the way. So sorry. ;P

DarkStormyDays's picture
Awesome Drawing

This is really cute


demian09's picture
Happy Birthday little baby

very beautiful family portrait. Have a god day Cool

" I want to know,
have you ever seen the rain??? " - Creedence Clearwater Revival

Bubbi58's picture
Very Cool

Love it....


pppman's picture
So warm...

Nice drawing! Beer

Drawing is about studying yourself and your target.

Cun's picture
owwww TTwTT this is sooo

owwww TTwTT this is sooo sweet...happy birthday! Party Big smile

fon???????? Smile why so many candles if is one year old? Tongue What an adorable family, that glasses boy is lucky Glasses XD

enjoy all that love! have a nice day Laughing out loud

feliz a quien la muerte ciñe las cienes con sangrientos lauros en medio del esplandor de la victoria...