by Zaat

Can you see like a child?

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WolfPaint's picture
How can you draw so good?

How can you draw so good? It's amazing!

Come in the evening, or come in the morning,
Come when you're looked for, or come without warning,
Kisses and welcome you'll find here before you,
And the oftener you come here the more I'll adore you!
-Thomas Osborne Davis "The Welcome"

Hanneke's picture
This is sooo beautiful!!!

This is sooo beautiful!!!

LOoR's picture
I hope if I can! Wonderful

I hope if I can! Wonderful drawing..

""If you don't get lost, there's a chance you may never be found!""

LostArt's picture

artwork ... deep delving eyes...

Every artist was first an amateur.

danila's picture

great drawing..


Raleomus's picture

I was just wondering, since I'm new here, do you guys draw on a tablet or just with the mouse? I love the eye.. looks like a picture!

Everyday is Alex Day

Zaat's picture

... and welcome here. I draw on table, it is easier than the mouse Tongue

marilens's picture
Wonderful much emotion in her eye, hair is outstanding as is the eye...awesome drawing.. Five stars

dervish's picture

another nice draw.

I like the background picture on your profile too Big smile Laughing out loud


Zaat's picture
Thank you!

I'm glad you like it ; )