by ezd


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Phyl's picture
breathtaking view!

breathtaking view!

marilens's picture
very beautiful

I feel like I just drove around a corner and this beautiful view appeared. great depth and reflection. Those mountains and sky are surreal. Beautiful work.. Smile Five stars

tamimapple's picture
Beautiful landscape...Ohh,I

Beautiful landscape...Ohh,I love it Love

hakan's picture

wonderful draw, great reflection Smile

Bridget's picture
oil painting

Looks like an oil painting and is excellent

Have a wonderful day!

little_prince's picture
looks like oil painting

beautiful Smile

Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.

ploiesteana's picture
Wow, how beautiful! The

Wow, how beautiful! The mountains are so proud, the atmosphere is so impressive, your work is impressive, as usual!

selinadie's picture

I think that here you have changed a bit ur technique. Perhaps, the landscapes made you workin' in this way. Anyway, you have done a great job. Be proud of it. Wink

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

ezd's picture
Thank you

Selinadie! I appreciate your comments! Smile

ernieplucknett's picture
Nice landscape

Great draw!...nice colours, has a very peaceful feel about this draw.