

“Me, trying out some black and white...”
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lydiabutterfly's picture
its a very good drawing. i'm

its a very good drawing. i'm impressed. how do you do it so that you draw an outline and it all gets colored in like that? what tool is it? like when you did the shirt or the hair.


lydiabutterfly's picture
never mind. i figured it out

never mind. i figured it out Smile


gemmafinnerty's picture

This is like a mix between real life and cartoon if you ask me.......... i like it. XD

If absolutely nessasery I will cook and eat Chaka.

hakan's picture
nice self portrait!

great hair draw!

mmbelu's picture

great self portrait !

spring's picture

Hello to you Belinda! this is fantastic..a very well done draw. 5 stars

marilens's picture
Great portrait

The hair is awesome, it looks so real...very nicely done. Smile Five stars

AcireRyo's picture

you are pretty Great draw X3

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then you fail, and the test will be terminated.