
Merry Christmas 2010

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jayyaj's picture

I LOVE christmas! And this picture catches my christmas feelings.

It's absolutely great.

Marry x-mas!

Bridget's picture
Very pretty

I think this is great. Merry Xmas!!

Have a wonderful day!

demian09's picture
Merry Christmas Susie.

Greetings to your family too. Five stars

" I want to know,
have you ever seen the rain??? " - Creedence Clearwater Revival

BlueRain's picture
Nice job!

Is this for your contest? haha '' And the Winner is meeee!!! Sorry people but im tha best!'' Ha great job! Have a nice day Susie!

"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until becomes a memory." - Dr. Seuss

X3Innocent's picture
cant wait!

and have a happy new year!!! Laughing out loud 5/5

So.... whats to your left?


On my right however, is a plate of warm, freshly baked cookies.
Finn (• ◡•) and Jake (❍ᴥ❍ʋ) Approved!

`~! Be sure to check my profile Please comment and rate Laughing out loud <3 !~`

romanticom's picture

i like it!

danila's picture

lovely Xmas Card!!!


cimmaron's picture

...Merry Christmas to you, too!...great work!...


kutedymples's picture
Thank you...

It is nice to know that you love my drawings, that always makes it so much more worthwhile for me to draw. Did you send me a private message? I did not get it if you did. I just checked. Thanks for the great comment! Hugs and Merry Christmas!

CrazyPplez's picture
Merry Christmas (:

Merry Christmas!, Wonderful draw (: I Wish i could draw like this Sad I Love your drawings soo much !! Merry Christmas - We wish you a merry christmas we wish you a merry christmas we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year! Smile Hope you got my message!! Smile first to comment wooo lol Wink i give it 5 Five stars !!!
