

Your rating: None (16 votes)


krapphace's picture


"A mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it isn't open."

ploiesteana's picture
Love the shining olives, it

Love the shining olives, it seems to be a very good drink...the painting is very good...

Angelcake's picture
Very Nice

I really love the way you gave this so much life. Olive branch? Love all the contrasts and textures. Love the light/shading. Very nice! Five stars

demian09's picture
Beautiful draw

I like the details and textures. Is so full of details, even the bubbles. Five stars

" I want to know,
have you ever seen the rain??? " - Creedence Clearwater Revival

ha55ha's picture

Nice textures. Laughing out loud And I always love the object that you add in your each drawings.

danila's picture

and what i mostly am crazy about is the table or whatever it is, fantastic, great glass and olives too, with red MARTINI??? Love Big smile Big smile


dervish's picture

looks tasty! but I think you could do a lille better in light and shadows Glasses

Four stars


wungu's picture
Great textures ...

... and reflections on the sheeny glass.

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. Edith Wharton