

“What do you see a flower or a girl”
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tigz98's picture

how do you flip the canvas to be vertical?

ploiesteana's picture
Wonderfulflower-young woman,

Wonderfulflower-young woman, beautiful the colours,the background and love this sweet idea!

krapphace's picture

truly awesome

"A mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it isn't open."

pppman's picture
As everyone said...

Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer

Drawing is about studying yourself and your target.

ha55ha's picture
This is really cool.

Great idea and well done painting. Glad to see more of your drawing. Smile

roses56's picture

i just got the illusion! thats so cool, great idea

team Haymitch! woot

marilens's picture

Wow that's awesome.. A very creative draw and well done. Smile Five stars

CHR's picture
I see a ballet dancer's

I see a ballet dancer's face....excellent Smile

viridian's picture
This is cool !

Very creative. Flower face. Well done

"Inspiration is highly overated, if you sit around and wait for the clouds to part, it's not liable to ever happen. More often than not, work is salvation" Chuck Close