
Pink Hibiscus

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tamimapple's picture
Excellent flower..

Excellent flower.. Love Love Five stars

INANINA's picture

SUCH BEAUTY SHOWN!! REALISTIC 3D, EXCELENT ..AND FAVED! Laughing out loud Love Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars ... Smile

demian09's picture
Realism, beautiful flower

Beautiful draw Susie

" I want to know,
have you ever seen the rain??? " - Creedence Clearwater Revival

Bamboo's picture

THAT'S SO BEAUTIFUL AND REALISTIC!!!AMAZING!! Five stars Five stars Laughing out loud

flippo's picture
Good job! Youre really good

Good job! Youre really good at drawing flowers

ha55ha's picture
Very beautiful, Kute.

A lot of sun kiss on the petals. Beautiful. Laughing out loud

LostArt's picture
Your flowers are always

Your flowers are always special for me... another great one!! Love Faved!

Every artist was first an amateur.

Katkat's picture
Wonderful work!

Wonderful work!

Hue's picture

I've not cared much for hibiscus but beautiful lonely flower love the sunlight and the way it emerges from shadow looks simple but i'm sure lots of work went into it great draw Beer

kutedymples's picture
Thank you both!

I love drawing flowers so much. I wish I had as much patience with everything else I draw. Glad you like it, I had so much fun drawing it.