
... Promise me ...

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sketchpad's picture

Five stars Five stars BEAUTIFUL DRAW! WARM COLORS!

amschade's picture

Absolutely beautiful draw! I have been tring to capture this emotion in a painting for a long time, You have done it flawlessly!!! And I also dig your profile pic! Who dosent love The Crow?!?

FreezeHeat's picture

Amazing draw, amazing feeling and an amazing title that fits right in!

you can definitely feel that the woman is worrying and her mind wanders, the hands behind her back... she wants something that will change her mind, something strong, something that will keep her from doubt... she wants, a promise.

Amazing artwork Demian... just amazing...

viridian's picture
Another great work!

Great work

"Inspiration is highly overated, if you sit around and wait for the clouds to part, it's not liable to ever happen. More often than not, work is salvation" Chuck Close

meral's picture
nice work

Wink nice work

Cun's picture
muy bonito! jajaj es como el

muy bonito!

jajaj es como el inicio del video O_O

adoro el cielo!!!! y las siluetas quedan muy bien con este tipo de escena.

que mas puedo decir querido amigo, yo creo que tu ya sabes que hisiste un buen trabajo como siempre, pero coomo me encanta dartelo a conoser........ me gusta mucho, 5 estrellas! Laughing out loud

feliz a quien la muerte ciñe las cienes con sangrientos lauros en medio del esplandor de la victoria...

flippo's picture
Stunning The lighting and

Stunning Smile The lighting and the contour are great together

MysticalUnicornFart's picture
Looks so beautiful. Almost

Looks so beautiful. Almost looks like a photograph. That lighting is amazing!

dervish's picture
interesting mood

masterfully captured! Five stars


kutedymples's picture
Very beautiful!

Such a great looking sunset and beautiful girl. Your artwork always brings out such emotion. Love