

Your rating: None (25 votes)


INANINA's picture

CUTEST PUPPY EVER!! Love Laughing out loud FAVED! Five stars , Five stars , Five stars , Five stars , Five stars , Five stars , Five stars , Five stars , Five stars, Five stars , Five stars , Five stars , Five stars ...

ploiesteana's picture
Soooo cute! I think everybody

Soooo cute! I think everybody wishes to take it and to cuddle and hug it, so I too. Beautiful work, dear Marilyn!

hakan's picture

sweet Smile

spring's picture

The sweetest most adorable little puppy....fantastic drawing Marilyn...I've not been to queeky for sometime! my apologies for missing so much of your wonderful art...I'm here now so going to check out your gallery! Smile Five stars

demian09's picture
Beautiful puppy.

Five stars and faved.

" I want to know,
have you ever seen the rain??? " - Creedence Clearwater Revival

little_prince's picture

it is so cute and lovely Tongue pink, lol, I want it Crying

Five stars

Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.

ernieplucknett's picture
Real Cute!

Love this draw, has a water colour feel about it!...big 5!

taneman's picture


Bridget's picture
Nice puppy

Great attention to detail!

Have a wonderful day!

pppman's picture
Love it.

Real lovely puppy! Five stars

Drawing is about studying yourself and your target.