I had a time to enjoy your video before commenting, kindre...and may I say, what a wonderful interpretation! (But when it comes to SCIENCE, this saying applies to me, "Ignorance is bliss.")
Thank you for everything , Mannamanna !Exactly ... the concept of science lies in this paradigm, we accept that our knowledge is tiny before the universal greatness, does not diminish us ... is a knowledge in a conscious humility. This approach has opened a huge utility in our lives ... it offers us the tools to detect and portege us from demagogues, false prophets, charlatans and others who skillfully exploit the ignorance some of good people!
AHHH !GM,how you managed to show up here ???This will end badly ... we both have this business of the flasks of elixir for baldness and fake bottles of whiskey to sell and ... you left me here in the caravan of pioneers to prepare the beans in the skillet ...you think that fair???
Well after all what goes around comes around. It takes one to know one! Birds of the feather flock together. LOL What did you expect??? ha ha ha Just don't lay down with dogs because you will come up with fleas!!HA HA HA How cliche of me!!!!Teee heeee
Love that evil smiley!! HA HA HA ha ha!!
Great videos !! xoxoxoxox Elmer Gantry Gaby
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" Einstein
HAHAHAHA ! Excellent ... a work characterization and special effects ... gorgeous ! Within the fat man himself is Michael Jackson , I love when he dances !!!! Kindre
Great painting, love the old,
Great painting, love the old, wise owl! How many questions are still to be solved and how...
I waited until
I had a time to enjoy your video before commenting, kindre...and may I say, what a wonderful interpretation! (But when it comes to SCIENCE, this saying applies to me, "Ignorance is bliss.")
Do everything with LOVE...
Thank you for everything ,
Thank you for everything , Mannamanna !Exactly ... the concept of science lies in this paradigm, we accept that our knowledge is tiny before the universal greatness, does not diminish us ... is a knowledge in a conscious humility. This approach has opened a huge utility in our lives ... it offers us the tools to detect and portege us from demagogues, false prophets, charlatans and others who skillfully exploit the ignorance some of good people!
False Prophets??? I guess
False Prophets??? I guess that leaves you and me out of the game!!! LOL HA HA HA HA
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" Einstein
AHHH !GM,how you managed to
AHHH !GM,how you managed to show up here ???This will end badly ... we both have this business of the flasks of elixir for baldness and fake bottles of whiskey to sell and ... you left me here in the caravan of pioneers to prepare the beans in the skillet ...you think that fair???
Well after all what goes
Well after all what goes around comes around. It takes one to know one! Birds of the feather flock together. LOL What did you expect??? ha ha ha Just don't lay down with dogs because you will come up with fleas!!HA HA HA How cliche of me!!!!Teee heeee
Love that evil smiley!! HA HA HA ha ha!!
Great videos !! xoxoxoxox Elmer Gantry Gaby
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" Einstein
And now ... to appease the
And now ... to appease the spirits, a video allusive to our business...
We must come up with a new
We must come up with a new scam!!! ha ha ha Thanks dear KS xoxox
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" Einstein
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HAHAHAHA ! Excellent ... a
HAHAHAHA ! Excellent ... a work characterization and special effects ... gorgeous ! Within the fat man himself is Michael Jackson , I love when he dances !!!! Kindre