

Your rating: None (13 votes)


Supermaker's picture
My respect!

I love watching your work! You draw so easily and naturally ..

little_prince's picture


I love your style, it is unique in Queeky

Fav & 5 Five stars

Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.

ploiesteana's picture
I'm admiring your roses, your

I'm admiring your roses, your fruits and landscape, you are a very good painter!

O placere sa umblu prin galeria ta, fiecare pictura e o bijuterie! Simple, fara farafastîcuri, sincere, directe!

selinadie's picture

Pai, ce este frumos, este frumos .Punct.

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Drawing4me's picture

Such a soft painting... such a melancholy feel. Your colours are exquisite and the painting is masterful. Beautiful painting, beautiful, beautiful.

Forgive the picture, but embrace the creation.

ezd's picture

roses!!! Smile 5 stars

wungu's picture
You really shouldn't have gone to so much trouble ...

... arranging them as well - but thanks they are gorgeous. What do you mean they weren't for me?

Well I love them anyway, well done

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. Edith Wharton

jayyaj's picture

nice colors! love it !

Catgirl's picture
beautifful and magic...

beautifful and magic...

Katkat's picture

Beautiful work! Smile Smile Smile