
Rozen Maiden

“I love to draw anime”
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azurewhitesun's picture
Very cool

You didi a very good job I didn't think that you could draw anything like that.

work hard and concentrate on your goals.

animator's picture
Very cool

Fantastic anime draw, is this your own idea? Wink


redworld's picture

Gosh you are good. I love Rozen Maiden. Laughing out loud

I can sing really well when no one is listening hehe. Smile

matildavtdr's picture

well done vampire! 5 stars Smile

misstiger's picture
you are gooddddd!!!!

so gir,l you rock!!! Cool

this is so awsome, wauwwww!!!

I gif you 5 stars for this Five stars go girl Wink

have a nice day!

greetz from misstiger Big smile

ammujai's picture
My goodness sweety...

My goodness sweety... Incredible.... love this...


spring's picture

Such colourful and detailed work. Fantastic draw. 5 stars

hakan's picture

nice picture, colorful

uonnyk's picture

*.* minunat desen ^__^ Five stars Five stars