
Slash no 2

“slash- original by ernie”
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1 Variation

1 Variation


marilens's picture
Thank you

Thank you Farhan

farhanmoeli's picture

marilens wrote:
Thank you Farhan

your welcom Smile

ernieplucknett's picture
I agree!

I think this is one of my favorite draws too! time you use my work would you please state for the record that this draw is an original draw by ernie....that would be nice!...other than that welcome to queeky!

kutedymples's picture
Sorry Ernie

Yes...I thought when I had commented on that drawing it looked familiar. That is only fair to the original artist when I variate something I always sign my name at the bottom but also leave the original artists signature too and state in the description it is a variation.

farhanmoeli's picture

ernieplucknett wrote:
I think this is one of my favorite draws too! time you use my work would you please state for the record that this draw is an original draw by ernie....that would be nice!...other than that welcome to queeky!

okay sorry n thx before Smile

marilens's picture

I knew this was yours at first glance Ernie and I am sure most others do also. Please farhanmoeli...EDIT this drawing and state that this is a copy of an original by erniepluknett.

farhanmoeli's picture

marilens wrote:
I knew this was yours at first glance Ernie and I am sure most others do also. Please farhanmoeli...EDIT this drawing and state that this is a copy of an original by erniepluknett.

okayyyy soooooorrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyy! SmileInnocentSmileInnocentSmile

jayyaj's picture

amazing 2nd draw! i agree with kutedymples! 5 strs