
Slow steps

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ha55ha's picture
This make me think of Aokigahara.

I watched a documentary about Aokigahara on YouTube by accident. And the atmosphere is just like this. Love it.

Min's picture
really awesome ♫ ♪

it's great for real xDDD i surely watch the vid and observe how you drew it then i just realized it's finished.hahaha xD

i can't get the technique but this technique is too many segment ways that only run in your mind., that's cool xDD

btw. i'm slow. haha

really great work ^__^

-i hate it when something went wrong either because of misunderstanding or stupidity ♪ ♫

-a dream without action is just a WISH. † deathflag †

so SURPASS the limit you gave to your self to improve little by little and achieve what the hell you want

claire0o0's picture

This is beautiful! true nature!

Cristoferr's picture
Thank You.

You were the first great artist I have ever been exposed to inspirationally, and I still really appreciate your artwork.

Thank you for making art.

cobaltgrace's picture
Outstanding art!

Outstanding art!

ploiesteana's picture
WOW! It's a wonderful

WOW! It's a wonderful landscape! Love the mysterious light in the wood!

friendsofold's picture

Love it as always man, awesome. Smile

mannamanna's picture

Love this, pppman. Looks like the path I take when I go for my daily walk to the beach...but less eerie...Big smile

Do everything with LOVE...

FreezeHeat's picture
I actually think this is one

I actually think this is one of the best works you have ever produced!

sonia55's picture
Splendid !

Splendid !
