
Taylor Swift

“A girl at Sumopaint ask me if I would draw her so here she is.”
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tigtig's picture

OMG i love Taylor this is soooooooooooooooo cool i love it Five stars Big smile

Your yourself that's it no one else can tell you who you are, I often cry but know tears fall down my cheeks notice when some one sad even if they don't appear to be....

TheGREATBon's picture

Shock Shock Shock Big smile Laughing out loud ur amazing Cool Steve Stare honest Innocent Five stars

dylove's picture

Realistic draw wonderdul

Yüksel & DamLa

INANINA's picture

SO REALISTIC! Shock ... ... ... FANTASTIC! Big smile Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars ...

ploiesteana's picture
Fine work, fine portrait!

Fine work, fine portrait! Bravo!!!!

betty's picture
Taylor Swift

lovely skin...........

marky's picture
Very good indeed,great

Very good indeed,great portrait. Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars

consent can be nulified by reason of cohersion or duress!

mannamanna's picture

portrait, kute! Big smile Five stars Five stars Five stars

Do everything with LOVE...

haedonggum's picture

i love this! Love Love

Five stars :Cool

"True art endures the ages... beauty everlasting" - Sasori

kindre's picture
Fantastic work and gorgeous!

Fantastic work and gorgeous! Shock