
The Bride

“I pulled this out from my unpublished folder. I finished it tonight. It's an idea for a series I thought that I might work on. Paintings of the highlights in a woman's life...Prom Night, The First Date, The Wedding, The Expectant Mother, etc. I'll probably not follow-up on it, so if you like the idea and want to use it be my guest! ^_^ Enjoy your 11/11/11 until 11:11pm! Mine's over...”
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ph's picture
Beautiful Bride

Long time no see.

Hope you are fine!

INANINA's picture

VERY PRETTY! Smile Laughing out loud Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars Five stars ...

ploiesteana's picture
Wow, a great painting! Love

Wow, a great painting! Love not only the colours, but also how you've done the persons waiting for the ceremony, great, great!A real painting!

mannamanna's picture
Thank you

so much, ploiesteana! I love your enthusiastic comment! Love Smile

Do everything with LOVE...

pppman's picture
like the color

Can't wait to see the whole series. Wink Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer

Drawing is about studying yourself and your target.

mannamanna's picture
Thanks, pppman!

Me and my big mouth...*groan*

Do everything with LOVE...

ha55ha's picture

Awesome series you create. I would love to see them more.

Very beautiful drawing and lovely style. I enjoy watching your works. Smile

mannamanna's picture
Thanks, ha55ha!

Now how about a painting from you? Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please? Innocent Love Smile Sexy Party Crazy Sad( Cool Sad Wink Smile

Do everything with LOVE...

ha55ha's picture

I will definitely publish something. Laughing out loud

I'll see this girl's life through your drawing in a meanwhile. Big smile

selinadie's picture
what took my attention was

what took my attention was that those on the left side are standin'and the others no.

Crazy Little Thing Called Love