
The Bright Bird

“I started this way back before my Husband Dennis passed away, sometime toward the end of last year. Having lost all of my inspiration to draw or paint up until a few days ago I thought Id finally finish this. Thanks for looking”
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LostArt's picture
Nice paiting

Hi Susi, I enjoy your art always and this is the first thing I check when I visit queeky from time to time. You are a fun-loving and dear person and have been supporting all artists and new-comers with open arms. I am so sorry to hear about Dennis and I want you to know that I believe he is spread in this world in atoms, memories and colors. Each time you will capture a painting, you will capture a part of him for eternity. I also want to give you warm hug. I hope to see more of your creations in coming days. Love, LostArt.

Every artist was first an amateur.

ploiesteana's picture
I am very, very sorry to read

I am very, very sorry to read your beloved Dennis passed away, I hope he hadn't suffer too much, I suppose you were for him a strong support, I know you not only as a powerful person, but also as a very sympathetic one. I am glad you could come back to queeky, where you can get more inner force drawing and communicating with all your friends and fans... You painting is a beautiful explosion of colours and live! Keep going, dear Susi!

sketchpad's picture


CHR's picture
It is indeed a beautiful bird

It is indeed a beautiful bird Kutedymples with bright exciting colours. Art is a wonderful thing it can help the healing process when tragedy strikes, and looking at the beautiful colours in the bird it did help you in lifting your spirits.....A beautiful painting

MBM's picture
A very prettily handsome

A very prettily handsome bird...the bird has a wise, strong look as if to say: I made it and I'm strong and fine; doing well...and I'm here forever... The Bright Bird is a beautiful title for this's good to see you finished this pretty, strong bird...It's good to see you here painting...continue on...

kutedymples's picture
Such a nice comment

To read your comment today put a huge smile on my face. I have missed Queeky and you and all of the other artists here so very much. It is super nice to be back and to be drawing again. Thank you and God Bless you as well!