This Samhain

“How Halloween Started”
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Lindus233's picture
Thank you Betti! :)

I wish you a calm, happy year! Take care of your health!

I can't, but I like to create.

Love what we do. Smile

viridian's picture
Nice one!

Spookaay. Mine is on here but it didn't load right. I apparently don't know how to save a session. What do you do when you've worked a bit on an image, and then want to stop so you can resume working later. whats the procedure to save it for later working? Great job Betty.

"Inspiration is highly overated, if you sit around and wait for the clouds to part, it's not liable to ever happen. More often than not, work is salvation" Chuck Close

Lindus233's picture

I also went to my machine drawing more than Betti more times because though what could happen. Easy to put back and continue. Smile

I can't, but I like to create.

Love what we do. Smile

betty's picture
Ty viridian

Well sometimes if you save it to Queeky there may be a glitch and the screen might freeze and you could lose it forever. It has happened to me. So when I haven't finished a drawing I save it to my computer to work on it later... on the desktop and I have never had a problem.