
Tron Legacy: Light Bike

“for "BlueRain" a good friend!!... Many, many hours of work!!!. Hope you like friend. Thank you all for your comments.”
Your rating: None (79 votes)


ballet123's picture

... Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars

Nothing can come between man and Art...

Raiden's picture
your skill

Is tooooo amazing!!! i'm relatively new here but your work keeps me coming back!!! i mean what u manage to accomplish is just unreal!! i reallyyyyy envy your talent!!! Maximum respect man!!

123shansun's picture

looks soo real....btw the reflections are soooo good ...!!!! Laughing out loud Shock


rastafa's picture
Awesome gallery

five and fave

dotgirl299's picture
sdv nbsk

Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Sexy Sexy Sexy Sexy Sexy Sexy Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Four stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars Three stars

i love your profile pic

im also favoring it

btw how is this thing humanly posible my art is trash the only thing i do good in queeky is the freaking background Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry Angry

Smile - Dotgirl299

craftykitsune's picture
Giselle's picture
awesome !

You've done a super awesome job on this drawing! Five stars

INANINA's picture

COOL!! I GUESS THIS BIKE RUNS FAST AS THE LIGHT, WOW!! Shock Laughing out loud Love FAVED Five stars , Five stars , Five stars , Five stars , Five stars , Five stars ...

demian09's picture
Tron Legacy Soundtrack - TRack 1

" I want to know,
have you ever seen the rain??? " - Creedence Clearwater Revival

marilens's picture

This is just awesome.. Glad to see it on top rated...beautiful work, electrified.. Smile Five stars