
Two Blues

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marilens's picture
I love the blue

These are so pretty and delicate looking. I really love the contrast colors and great work on the leaves..Always beautiful work Julia..Hugs...

ploiesteana's picture
Hei,a very good day to you,

Hei,a very good day to you, dear Marilyn! Glad to see you here, in my gallery, thanks a lot for your sweet comment!!!! Come back, my dear, I were so happy to know you here, drawing, commenting, you are such a lovely soul and I miss it.

ha55ha's picture

This is like self-luminious flowers. Laughing out loud

ploiesteana's picture
A lot of thank you, dear

A lot of thank you, dear ha55ha, as usual your comment is a very good support for me!

lanttiakka's picture
so very beautiful

so very beautiful


ploiesteana's picture
Kiitos! Dear Lanttiakka,

Kiitos! Dear Lanttiakka, thanks a lot for your comment and fave!

mannamanna's picture

can I say? Five stars Five stars Five stars Big smile

Do everything with LOVE...

ploiesteana's picture
Thank you for the sky full of

Thank you for the sky full of stars, dear mannamanna!

ploiesteana's picture
Many thanks , dear Kute!

Many thanks , dear Kute!