
Two Quinces

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tamimapple's picture
thanks to all my friend for

thanks to all my friend for the comment...i appreciate it,

rebelsmileygirl's picture

I've never even seen this fruit but, I still want to eat it.

Rebbecca Cormier

demian09's picture

I like the color and texture. Beautiful draw. Five stars

Have a nice day Tami.

" I want to know,
have you ever seen the rain??? " - Creedence Clearwater Revival

ploiesteana's picture
So soft, so wonderful

So soft, so wonderful pictorial! Amazing work!

trazomboli's picture
Lovely still life... an oil painting! Five stars


Bridget's picture

job - nice replay

Have a wonderful day!

matildavtdr's picture

this is good Smile

Geeta's picture
Love the shading on the

Love the shading on the fruits. Great.

pppman's picture
I like the shading.

Big smile

Drawing is about studying yourself and your target.