by ezd

Untitled 2

“Hi my friends! It had been some time since I drew anything here in Queeky. I wish I could go back to drawing again and share with you all, but Im still without my tablet. So heres a boring attempt with mouse (They hurt my fingers).”
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mannamanna's picture
Hi ezd!

So very glad to see your drawings here again...They're awesome! A wonderful portrait..Big smile

Do everything with LOVE...

ezd's picture
Thank you!

Thank you, mannamanna!!! Smile

ploiesteana's picture
Excellent portrait, even done

Excellent portrait, even done with the mouse, great work. Succes in your studies and come back...it's a pleasure to see your paintings!

ezd's picture
Hi, Ploiesteana!

Thank you very much for all your support and comments!! Smile

Cun's picture
AWESOME O_O´ I'm sooo


I'm sooo happpppyy Five stars

feliz a quien la muerte ciñe las cienes con sangrientos lauros en medio del esplandor de la victoria...

ezd's picture
Hi, Cun!

Thank you for your comment!! Smile

ha55ha's picture
Great work.

So glad to see you back here. I've been your fan since 2 years ago. It's been very long since your previous drawing. Please keep on inspiring us. Smile

ezd's picture
Hi, ha55ha!

It is an honor for me! And thank you for the welcome back!

Oh, I noticed that your gallery is empty. What happened to your beautiful artwork?

I'm sure everyone here is waiting for your return.

We hope to see your works soon!


ezd's picture
Thank you

Wow, thank you guys for your comments! I really appreciate it. Smile

Pppman is undoubtedly one of the great artists here at Queeky and he has a unique style. Crown

Actually, in the past I tried this technique several times (between successes and failures) in oil painting. I think painting from a dark background gives you so much more control over tones and contrast in your painting​​.

However, when I found Queeky, the fill tool was something completely new to me. I found it really interesting and fun, especially because of the overlays and transparency effects.

Lately I have had many ideas to draw, but I've been keeping busy with my University studies. Also, my tablet is not with me. I have missed all of you and hope to come back soon to share time and some drawings with you all.

pppman's picture
You ARE one of great artists

And glad you see your new works, they are beautiful. Hope you have a great success with your studies. Beer

See your new works soon, my friend. Wink

Drawing is about studying yourself and your target.