by ezd

Untitled 2

“Hi my friends! It had been some time since I drew anything here in Queeky. I wish I could go back to drawing again and share with you all, but Im still without my tablet. So heres a boring attempt with mouse (They hurt my fingers).”
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mimirotuka's picture
just good!

wonderfull come back drawing

i love it

how admin says yea, it look like a bit like the style of pppman

Once again returned to this site, I keep returning!

ezd's picture
Thank you, mimirotuka!!

Thank you, mimirotuka!! Smile

admin's picture
welcome back

hi EDZ,

its great to see you back.

hope you get your tablet back soon Wink

super draw, reminds me a bit of pppmans work (hope he'll come back soon too) ...

thumbs up, have a great time!

cheers, Admin

Queeky admin

ezd's picture
Hi Admin!

Thank you for the welcome back message and your comment! We hope pppman comes back soon too. Wink
