
v2 Cantinflas

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4 Variations

4 Variations


lanttiakka's picture

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kindre's picture
Thank you my dear, Pirjo, I

Thank you my dear, Pirjo, I could finally solve the difficulty of viewing the second video! Wink

lanttiakka's picture

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kindre's picture
Completely agree! Impressive

Completely agree! Impressive speech, these words are always current! Pirjo , thanks for sharing! Shock

danila's picture
amazing inded

what a variation..wow..I think only you could see this out of the original.. Big smile Big smile Beer


gabyconstanza's picture
Amazing variate and

Amazing variate and caricature!! Always a great pleasure KS xxoxox Smile

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" Einstein

mannamanna's picture

Definitely has the kindre stamp on it! What a variation! Five stars Five stars Five stars Big smile

Do everything with LOVE...

kindre's picture
Thank you very much

Thank you very much Mannamanna ! Cool

ha55ha's picture

A sudden change! Great one! Laughing out loud

Agree with Pppman. Please do more. Smile

kindre's picture
Thank you very much Ha55ha !

Thank you very much Ha55ha ! Who am I to disagree with you and Pppman?? ... hehehe! Big smile