You should have left it as a simple landscape...:-?...the technique you used to draw that...(what's that,by the way?..) is different,and it sortof spoiles the image...:-?...I love the colours you used,is this a sunrise or a sunset?..
ne trinoga doljna bit korjavoi i jivoi kak po krainei mere traktovka po Wellsu vse taki da i ne v tom sut` 4tobi realizmom zanimatsa... skaju skoree eto klausura na novii stil` Voini mirov a ne a lja 50ie goda... Spasibo bolshoe za kritiku! V plane akuratnosti linii tut prosta ne ta ideja stojala!)))
Super! Nebo prosto zashibennoe!! No glavnaja figura ostavljaet zhelat' luchshego konechno..)) No bez nee konechno razvalilas' by vsja kompozicija.. Tak chto nadejus' 'eto ne final'naja versija.. .. Chut'chut' durabotat' po-moemu, i budet nastojaschij shedevr!! Udachi!!))
w o t w
r u into Space fiction reading?
r u a fan of Isaac Asimov or Arthur C Clarke?whatever Spielberg must see this creation to produce his next sci-fi venture.
great background!
me only miss some details in the "machine" ...
Wells "War of the Worlds"
somnium_nox it a imagination rom the roman:)
You should have left it as a simple landscape...:-?...the technique you used to draw that...(what's that,by the way?..) is different,and it sortof spoiles the image...:-?...I love the colours you used,is this a sunrise or a sunset?..
ne trinoga doljna bit korjavoi i jivoi kak po krainei mere traktovka po Wellsu vse taki da i ne v tom sut` 4tobi realizmom zanimatsa... skaju skoree eto klausura na novii stil` Voini mirov a ne a lja 50ie goda... Spasibo bolshoe za kritiku! V plane akuratnosti linii tut prosta ne ta ideja stojala!)))
war of the worlds
Hi Endray, wow, interesting and dramatic. ..10..
Nichego chto po-russki?))
Super! Nebo prosto zashibennoe!! No glavnaja figura ostavljaet zhelat' luchshego konechno..)) No bez nee konechno razvalilas' by vsja kompozicija.. Tak chto nadejus' 'eto ne final'naja versija.. .. Chut'chut' durabotat' po-moemu, i budet nastojaschij shedevr!! Udachi!!))
great pic i love that book / movie / comic love it
amazing, love the sky too,is very dramatic, 10**
thank you