
War of the Worlds

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dewdrops's picture
w o t w

r u into Space fiction reading?

r u a fan of Isaac Asimov or Arthur C Clarke?whatever Spielberg must see this creation to produce his next sci-fi venture.

ph's picture

great background!

me only miss some details in the "machine" ...

endray's picture
Wells "War of the Worlds"

somnium_nox it a imagination rom the roman:)

somnium_nox's picture

You should have left it as a simple landscape...:-?...the technique you used to draw that...(what's that,by the way?..Laughing out loud) is different,and it sortof spoiles the image...:-?...I love the colours you used,is this a sunrise or a sunset?..Laughing out loud


endray's picture

ne trinoga doljna bit korjavoi i jivoi kak http://youtube.com/watch?v=y80IqTTzzas po krainei mere traktovka po Wellsu vse taki da i ne v tom sut` 4tobi realizmom zanimatsa... skaju skoree eto klausura na novii stil` Voini mirov a ne a lja 50ie goda... Spasibo bolshoe za kritiku! V plane akuratnosti linii tut prosta ne ta ideja stojala!Wink)))

spring's picture
war of the worlds

Hi Endray, wow, interesting and dramatic. ..10..

ster123's picture
Nichego chto po-russki?))

Super! Nebo prosto zashibennoe!! No glavnaja figura ostavljaet zhelat' luchshego konechno..)) No bez nee konechno razvalilas' by vsja kompozicija.. Tak chto nadejus' 'eto ne final'naja versija.. Wink.. Chut'chut' durabotat' po-moemu, i budet nastojaschij shedevr!! Udachi!!))

drawlikeapro's picture

great pic i love that book / movie / comic love it

summer's picture

amazing, love the sky too,is very dramatic, 10**

endray's picture
thank you
