
Well Hello There

“I love these cute little guys”
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Geeta's picture
Very cute, peeping frog from

Very cute, peeping frog from behind the tree.

ernieplucknett's picture
Love this!

Im sorry Marilyn....but when i first saw the little picture of your frog i thought he was playing piano...lol...sorry my eyes are not what they were....now i see the whole picture what a cute draw this is...a big high 5...and please forgive my sense of humor!...lol

marilens's picture
Ha ha

A little late here seeing this but that is too funny... A piano huh? so my poor birch tree looks like a piano... well I never Wink ...LOL Love your sense of humor...silly guy Laughing out loud Thank you for the kind comments after the blind one..blink blink..can you see it now? LOL

ezd's picture

Very nice job! Five stars

demian09's picture
Hi my friend

Beautiful drawing. I like the colors.

Five stars

Have a nice day .

" I want to know,
have you ever seen the rain??? " - Creedence Clearwater Revival

kwikdraw's picture
This guy is funny and lovely,

This guy is funny and lovely, though I'm scared of them in real life! Big smile Love the way you drew the birch tree too! Five stars


frochka's picture

so funny and cute Big smile

Five stars

ant's picture
haha great job on this

Five stars haha Smile great job on this little fella so cute merilens.. love it .

spring's picture
well hello there

Well Hello to you too little guy! Smile I love the way this curious and cute little frog is peering around the tree to say Hello! such a wonderful expression on his face, love it. Fantastic draw Marilyn. Five stars

Lulu714's picture

Haha! That's cute Marilyn. Frogs are such delicate creatures and they are so fascinating...You drew this curious little frog perfectly. Good job!

Plz keep the commments coming!!!

Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?