by Cun

what do you see colorful owl?

“hmmmmmmmm..................................I liked the sky, I always liked the star hann hanging by a thread XPI played a lot with the tools, and Ive never drawn an owl, so I really wanted. ....I........ dont know....what happened recently? everything is different, my life became very strange, so... I hope you have a nice day OuO”
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betty's picture
very cute

very cute

Cun's picture
Thanks betty!

Thanks betty! Laughing out loud

feliz a quien la muerte ciñe las cienes con sangrientos lauros en medio del esplandor de la victoria...

viridian's picture
Very nice Cun!

nice colors

"Inspiration is highly overated, if you sit around and wait for the clouds to part, it's not liable to ever happen. More often than not, work is salvation" Chuck Close

Cun's picture
thanks viridian .........I

thanks viridian Big smile .........I was not sure of the colors Drunk

feliz a quien la muerte ciñe las cienes con sangrientos lauros en medio del esplandor de la victoria...